Nothing Beyond

Would flowers still be beautiful if they never bloomed 
What good are the petals if no one is there to admire them 
Perhaps they are inadequate, and maybe that’s why they wither 

Yet these seeds that bloom 
Never asked to be looked at 
Or praise for the beauty that they hold

So maybe I am philosophizing too much about the matter

And not enjoying the gift that they offer
Nor listening to the words that they speak
For such a human tendency it is to complicate things

To pick at things until there is nothing left to pluck 
Maybe it is all simpler than we think 
And maybe that’s the true beauty of a flower

~ Tony Paradise's Poet ~


Katie Mia Frederick said...

Yes.. perhaps the greatest beauty of a flower is that a flower never worries about seeing beauty.. it just is.. a flower....and that's enough for it....:)

hyperCRYPTICal said...

Maybe you are philosophizing to much about the matter. Flowers would not be flowers unless they bloomed.
Flowers, like us. serve a purpose, it is all about procreation...nothing but - from the simplest of flowers to the belief that somehow humans serve a purpose - they do. but nothing bar the simple act of procreation.
Humans might have an over-developed brain - but as today's world shows...we barely use it.
Kind regards
Anna :o]

brudberg said...

I think the purpose of the flower is nothing but its own.. But we fill it with a meaning that become something else than the original intention, but your lines made me see the flower.

Marina Sofia said...

I agree with Bjorn - flowers and animals don't care much whether we exist or not - until we start interfering with their existence. It's us that feels the need to confer them meaning.

Beachanny said...

I think you reached the Zen conclusion - be one with it and enjoy. All is there through your perception and for your purposes. Take care of it. Well said.

Anonymous said...

I think the flower has it's own perspective, just as we do.
Thought provoking piece.

Susan said...

Flowers help me simplify, too, as a reflex from philosophizing. Or Vice Versa. And they smile innocently as if they had not been made for just that purpose. A beautiful poem!