A Fool Til The End - The Night Sky Pt.7

The stars fell so I can release myself
From the grips of heaven’s beauty
Yet, while gravitating towards this unbearable earth
One heavenly body pierced the core of this fragile sphere

Embedding itself within the heart of the cosmos
Proclaiming, itself to be the crux of my world

To me it was the holy wrath of God a flower that bloomed out of this chaos
Therefore, in my mind’s eye, was it all symbols of sacred blessings

Insightful I was as I plucked this vine
But, a fool I stood as I looked up to find an angelic woman before me
She knew that I was enchanted by her thus, adored me for admiring
Thereby, I was asked not to fall in love with her

Still…I had to ask myself how could I not

The shifting sands of time passed
Though, the divinity that poured for her essence did not dissipate
She was like a curse that I would not look away from

So, one night I gave her the name
She took the name and left me in the darkness of the night
Agonizing with this sense of lost I promised to become my own light

And, never again would I be a fool for the stars
And, never again would I be blinded by heaven’s beauty

But, even as this promise is always set to be upheld
She... this curse...This divine woman of chaos

Will always be my beloved angel who I loved during a night’s sky

~ Paradise's Poet ~


Unknown said...

THIS. Is my favorite and Jeff's now I think youll rember post it on Google

Unknown said...

THIS. Is my favorite and Jeff's now I think youll rember post it on Google