A Living Nova

A story that had once rested in stone
Has become the tattooed scars that I now bear, and glorify
So the world may witness a tale of true beauty

For this holy creed of elegance
That is stained with your untouched grace
Has alter the words that are embedded within the book of life
As a dogma to my own blinded belief
Together with one that holds the appel of spring

Therefore with my idle time
Do I sit, and Idolize your idealistic image
With my ideals that invokes the ideology
Of such a sacred sighted idol

And who is to say that the convection
That was once written on the keystone of my heart
Has not the same covenant  
As the doctrine that has been etched within the diamond incrusted sky

For with these markings
That I now symbolically wear as an emblem of faith
Will I be left cursed with the blessings of a goddess
She who walks among the divine
As a living nova unto men.

Amare et sapere vix deo conceditur
( Even to God is it hard to love, and to be wise at the same time.)

~ Tony Paradise's Poet ~

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